The migration journey started at the first light of dawn. Perne, Chochan's wife, his father, Tabay and the kids travelled by truck, filled with furniture and heavy equipment, straight to the spring camp. Chochan has six daughters and a son. Most of them go to school in the big city and have been living alone in dorms since the young age of seven. In Mongolia, everyone goes to school, perhaps one of the few achievements the communist regime bequeathed to the community. On the journey itself only the physically fit and mature men, over the age of 16, embarked. The first to climb the mountain were the lambs and goats, which were followed by the cows, horses and the Bactrian camels, the two humps camels of central Asia. Unsurprisingly, yet strange to see, each species clung to its own, and surrounding them were Koke and Epoi atop their horses, their dogs beside them, making sure to keep an organised pathway. Chochan rode as the rear guard. He tugged along a camel behind him, all the while having his most cherished object harnessed to him, the crowning glory, his award-winning golden eagle.
This photo was taken in a high iso and therefore it has a painting effect.